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Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 01:21 |
Ralph's Favorite Cowgirl

Pridružen/-a: 28.04. 2006, 16:53
Prispevkov: 3187
JANUARY 26, 2007
MODEL Charlie Tomkinson faces spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair because of her quest for a size zero body.
The beautiful 20-year-old has been told that because of the damage she did to her bones by starving herself, she may not be able to walk by the end of the year.
But she warns that the modelling industry in Britain effectively DEMANDS the young women it uses are seriously underweight and unhealthy.
And she is outraged that London Fashion Week chiefs have refused to follow the lead of Madrid, which last September BANNED skeletal size zero models — the US equivalent of a UK size 4 — from its catwalks.
Charlie says: “As a working model, you need to be thin — thinner than a healthy diet allows. Yet the picture that got me my big break was taken while I was so frail I could barely stand up.”
The brunette from Brackley in Northamptonshire started starving herself at the age of 12, when she began to dream of life on the catwalk.
At 15, she was diagnosed with anorexia but felt she had to stay super-skinny to get work — and by 19 she had proved herself right.
She was 5ft 11in but had starved herself to just under 6st and was so weak she had to sleep for most of the day.
But it was then that her photos started attracting attention from modelling scouts and competitions.
Now Charlie has just been told that the years of denying herself proper nutrition has left her with osteoporosis and the bone strength of a 90-year-old.
She says: “I could be in a wheelchair by the end of the year as a result of my drastic dieting.
“But every time I decided I wanted to put weight back on I was faced with pictures of other models looking just as thin as I was — and they were being applauded for it.”
At 19, Charlie had a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 11. The safe level is between 20 and 25 and health experts applauded last year when Madrid Fashion Week banned models with a BMI of less than 18.
But yesterday, despite pressure from experts and The Sun’s Anti- Size Zero campaign, the British Fashion Council announced there would be no similar ban when London Fashion Week gets under way on February 11
Charlie says that the size of models on the runway has a huge impact on wannabe models. She says: “I knew if I wanted to make it I had to be as thin as the girls on the catwalk. I had a BMI of 11 and everyone was telling me how good I looked.
“In order to maintain my size zero frame I was surviving on half an apple a day.”
She adds: “Super-thin celebrities who waffle on about being naturally thin have made my road to recovery a lot tougher. Having been that weight myself, I know there is only one way to maintain it — and that is to starve.”
Charlie was hospitalised for nine months with anorexia at the age of 15 but it had little effect.
She recalls: “The nurses were easy to fool and being surrounded by other anorexics meant tips to stay skinny and fool the doctors were rife.”
And when she was finally discharged, she redoubled her dieting efforts despite the dangers.
She says: “I was so scared — but the more weight dropped, the more modelling jobs I was being offered.”
To keep the jobs up, she went to regular weigh-ins at her local GP with ashtrays and bags of rice hidden in her pockets.
Finally, last year, at 19 and just 6st, she moved on from local modelling work and approached big agencies in London.
She says: “They were all happy with the way I looked and a few asked me back for a second interview.”
It was then that she sent a picture to a magazine which was running a search for a new supermodel.
She says: “Rather than recoiling in horror at my stick-thin frame, I got through to the semi finals.
“But I had to pull out when I was hospitalised again last October.
“I was so frail I found it an effort to move and would sleep for most of the day. I was released when I got to 7st — but the damage had been done.
“Last month I had a bone scan — I am still struggling to cope with the terrible news that I could be in a wheelchair by the end of the year.
“My dream to be on a catwalk has meant I have risked not being able to walk — and no job is worth that.”
Sick ... at 6st in mag snap
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miikena |
Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 15:11 |
sleeping with administrators

Pridružen/-a: 29.04. 2006, 12:59
Prispevkov: 1314
Kraj: Lj
O groza.
“In order to maintain my size zero frame I was surviving on half an apple a day.”
Pol jabke na dan? Pa to ni NIČ.
Ok, upam, da bo ta zgodba koga streznila. Ne se stradat, not good. |
_________________ The notes of love enhance our joy. |
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Naughty |
Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 15:16 |
I wouldnt cheat on Cheryl Tweedy!

Pridružen/-a: 26.06. 2006, 19:09
Prispevkov: 4075
Kraj: Ljubljana, kajpadrucga
Mene pa take zadeve sploh ne ganejo. Res res ne. Vsaj ne v taki meri, kot bi me mogoče morale. Sem trdno prepričana, da če bi vidla to pred lastnimi očmi, bi definitivno drugač razmišlala. Dokler se pa o tem samo piše, mi ne pride preveč do živega. Prou žalostno, ampak mi res ne.  |
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Lala |
Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 15:53 |
a 6st pomeni 60 pounds?  |
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miikena |
Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 16:09 |
sleeping with administrators

Pridružen/-a: 29.04. 2006, 12:59
Prispevkov: 1314
Kraj: Lj
6st 0lbs = 38.1kg
Uncle google.
Drgač pa Naughty, mene tut na en način ubistvu ne, sam mi je pa grozn, k si predstavljam, kako jo je zatrlo, ko se je recimo odločila, da tko ne gre več, pa so tkt šele začel njene fotke dejsnako upoštevat, pa je šlo vse po zlu spet. Najbl me je ganil pomojem en filmček, k smo ga gledal še v OŠ, o enem domu, ker zdravijo anoreksijo pa bulimijo pa je tko kazal punce, ki so se tok sestradale, da niso mogle več same hodit (pa ni kazal pač sam punce kok je suhcena, ampak tut to, kako so jo mogl dejansko dvignt pa prenest do avta pa vse to). Pa njihovo upiranje se hrani, te njihove muke pa tko .. Tist se te mal bl dotakne. |
_________________ The notes of love enhance our joy. |
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Sofie*Sur Le Sofa* |
Objavljeno: 31 Jan 2007 19:14 |
sleeping with administrators

Pridružen/-a: 01.05. 2006, 00:20
Prispevkov: 1249
Boga punca, res. Mene sam zanima, kje so starši v takih situacijah? A starši ne znajo razložit svojmu otroku, da je poanta hrane v tem, da normalno funkcionira telo - kosti, srce, ožilje, jetra, možgani ...? Da o teh ušivih bookerjih v modnih agencijah ne govorim Fak no ... In ja, je fajn, da se tud take članke prebere. Da se mogoče nekatere tukaj mal zamislte, kaj delate same s sabo. In kako to reklamirate mladim puncam - tud na tem forumu. (Bones are love, in podobno. Da ti slabo rata.) |
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macro |
Objavljeno: 01 Feb 2007 09:39 |
party girl

Pridružen/-a: 12.12. 2006, 11:42
Prispevkov: 444
Kraj: primorska
Ne, starši nimajo nažalost kakšne velike moči v takih situacijah. To je zasvojenost. |
_________________ fešn. |
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Objavljeno: 01 Feb 2007 18:43 |
party queen

Pridružen/-a: 01.08. 2006, 16:17
Prispevkov: 891
Par dni nazaj sm slišala za kolegico, ki dela v tujini. V Pariz jo nočjo uzet, ker ma 55/180 in nima bolnega videza, so ji rekl, da naj shujša kokr lahko pa podočnjake dobi, da pol pa mogoče bo kej. Ful žalostno. |
Nazadnje urejal/a LESOLEIL 11 Apr 2007 15:10; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat |
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jemima |
Objavljeno: 01 Feb 2007 18:57 |
Groupie for life

Pridružen/-a: 21.12. 2006, 19:41
Prispevkov: 10799
Ja eni starši so pač tko egoistični, da vidijo samo sebe in an otrokovem kvazi uspehu gradijo svoje notrenje zadovljstvo, ter se hvalijo okrg s svojo hčerkico. Sed but true |
_________________ Let's have some fun, this beat is sick
I wanna take a ride on your disco stick |
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